Saturday, April 11, 2015

So I Can Give You Me

I can't believe how much it hurts
My heart split open wide
I miss you so my darling
I am sick and raw inside. 
It's only a few hours more
Until I'm back with you,
But I can't sleep or concentrate 
And don't know what to do.
Am I truly worthy 
Of the love you give to me?
Please don't listen to that voice -
My inadequacy.
That voice that says, "You see?
How could she love someone like you?
You've done it now, I told you so,
This time you're truly screwed."
So this is my great sacrifice
At the altar of our love -
I burn away these feelings 
And these thoughts I'm speaking of,
Relinquishing the fallacies
I'd taken as my truth,
And the sense of worthlessness
I'd been taught in my youth. 
I give up ways of thinking
And of dowsing my own flame
So I can stand before you
Never doubtful, without shame,
Embracing full my power 
Everything I truly be,
So I can give my greatest gift -
So I can give you me. 

11, April, 2015